Thursday, February 19, 2009

Another B-day come and gone

Well another b-day come and gone.....Well we usually celebrate all week......Super Woman made "Little Bo" a cheesecake it was so good....We had pizza....It was fun......I love a good party...Like I love a parade"....Ha HA!!!.........Guess what no seizures for 2wks....Thank you Lord.....My friend sent me an email...It was amazing.......I think in the past few days I have cried enough tears to fill a bucket......I cry when I'm happy or when I am sad....all the time.....We are still praying for Gods Leadership in our lifes......We want what he wants......Well i get carried away let me get back to the email=It was about testimonies.......I fell every one has some type of testimony of how God has moved in there life......or just to say ........Thank you God for Saving Me........I think our testimony some time is how we live our lifes......and our walk each day in life......I want to be a better wittness to people ......not to discourage people but to encourage people......It is harder than just saying it.......I guess you have to watch what you say and how you react to things....The kids say I have been a little grouchy.....So I am going to try to work on that.......I want to work Praying more for my kids and "Big Daddy".....Prayer warrior.....Ready to Pray....Ready to wittness to anyone...You never know when you need to be an encouragement to someone else......I get caught up in my little pity party.....I know I know..."Super Woman" I need to take my own advice.....Ha Ha!!!......Please pray for us.....Good night......Love Tinkerbell

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