Monday, March 9, 2009

Let's go fly a Kite

Well, another weekend came and gone....It was very buzy for me.....We babysit a little blessing on Friday....We Love having her around......Saturday I did such a fun thing.....I got to do a fashion show for Lane Bryant at the mall....It was so much fun....The boys made me feel so proud ...."Lee" would holler go mom......"Little Bo" wore his suit and escorted me there.....I colored my hair to cover the gray...LOL......I like the new color....Sunday was wonderful......I really like the visiting preacher...He really gets on top of the business....Like he made mention that more people need to be in the prayer room b4 church.....It was packed out in the ladies prayer room....I was a guilty as anyone for not being there....But we have to come in one mind and one accord.....We lost a family member this weekend....He was young....There family needs alot of prayers.....Noah had another seizure this Sunday.....This has been the 4th one since we were in Chattanooga......So it time to call the doctor to change medicine.....Medicine change is so hard on Noah and me......But we have to do whats best to Noah.....WE had porkey and yabby today...Had a great day.....We went to the park today....And then we flew kites at the house it was a wonderful get together for our family....Even "big Daddy" got involved flewing kites.....I
Love to fly a kite....You need to try if you haven't done in awhile or ever.....When I fly a Kite...I think of the song in Mary Poppins....."Let's go fly a Kite".........Then I think about the song...I can feel the tug........The words go like this...A Little boy stood gazing into the clouds above...I know my Kite is still up there for I can feel the tug a smile then crossed his little face, the tug had made it real.....That just the way the spirit works.....Thank for What I feel.......It is a beautiful song ..."Big Daddy" sings it all the time.....I thank God for The Holy Spirit....It is amazing......I need God so much in my life...I thank God for sending his son,Jesus to die for my sins...And for yours.......That is the most precious gift we could every receive.....I thank you Lord for Saving my Soul.........Well it it is getting late.....Good Night....Love Tinkerbell

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